
  • K Sathyamoorthy Assistant Professor Department of Computer Science and Engineering Panimalar Institute of Technology, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
  • R Jagadeesh UG Scholars Department of Computer Science and Engineering Panimalar Institute of Technology, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
  • J Jaya surya UG Scholars Department of Computer Science and Engineering Panimalar Institute of Technology, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
  • K J Kameshwar UG Scholars Department of Computer Science and Engineering Panimalar Institute of Technology, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India




The reviews for a product is valuable for the upcoming buyers in helping them take decisions.
different opinion mining techniques have been proposed to judge a review sentence’s orientation (e.g.
positive or negative) is one of their key challenges. Deep learning has emerged as an effective means
for solving sentiment classification problems. A neural network intrinsically learns a useful
representation automatically without human efforts. However, the success of deep learning highly
relies on the availability of large-scale training data. We propose a novel deep learning framework for
product review sentiment classification which employs prevalently available ratings as weak
supervision signals. The framework consists of two steps: (1) learning a high level representation (an
embedding space) which captures the general sentiment distribution of sentences through rating
information; (2) adding a classification layer on top of the embedding layer and use labeled sentences
for supervised fine-tuning. We explore two kinds of low level network structure for modeling review
sentences, namely, convolution feature extractors and long short-term memory. To evaluate the
proposed framework, we construct a dataset containing 1.1M weakly labeled review sentences and
11,754 labeled review sentences from Amazon. Experimental results show the efficacy of the
proposed framework and its superiority over baselines.



How to Cite

K Sathyamoorthy, R Jagadeesh, J Jaya surya, & K J Kameshwar. (2018). WDE-FRAMEWORK FOR FINETUNNING PRODUCT REVIEW USING SENTIMENT ANALYSIS. International Journal of Advance Research in Engineering, Science & Technology, 5(3), 488–497. Retrieved from https://ijarest.org/index.php/ijarest/article/view/1238