A Fall Detection System Based on a NODEMCU and a Literature Review


  • Suketa S.Mistry M.E ,E&C Department SVIT, Vasad
  • Dr. K R.Bhatt Professor, E&C Department SVIT, vasad


fall detection, MPU6050, NODEMCU


This paper presents recent research about a system uses to detect person’s movement and development of a system which
uses an Accelerometer & Gyro sensor to detect person’s movement. When it comes to old age, it becomes necessary to monitor old ones
and people on wheelchair for their health and safety. They have a great risk of falling down. Now it is important to know it this type of
person has fallen so that he/she can be helped on time. This device can mount on person’s hand or wheelchair for detection. The system
keeps monitoring for fall detection and abrupt movement changes in person. If fall is happen the alert is trigger.



How to Cite

Suketa S.Mistry, & Dr. K R.Bhatt. (2017). A Fall Detection System Based on a NODEMCU and a Literature Review. International Journal of Advance Research in Engineering, Science & Technology, 4(3), 317–321. Retrieved from https://ijarest.org/index.php/ijarest/article/view/920