Lung Disease Detection By Using CNN Algorithm


  • Dr. A. A. Dandawate JSPM college of engineering, Handewadi-Hadpsar
  • Miss. P. R. Mule JSPM college of engineering, Handewadi-Hadpsar


Frequent item set, closed high utility item-set, lossless and concise representation, utility mining, data mining


Lung Cancer is a Disease of uncontrolled cell growth in tissues of the lung. Discovery of Lung Cancer
in its initial stage is the key of its cure. All in all, a measure for ahead of schedule stage lung disease
determination essentially incorporates those using X-beam midsection movies, CT, MRI and so forth. In
numerous parts of the world far reaching screening by CT or MRI is not yet pragmatic, so that midsection
radiology stays in starting and most basic system. Firstly, we will utilize a few systems are key to the errand of
medicinal picture mining, Lung Field Segmentation, Data Processing, Feature Extraction, Classification
utilizing neural system and SVMs. The routines utilized as a part of this paper work states to group
computerized X-beam midsection movies into two classes: ordinary and unusual. Diverse learning examinations
were performed on two distinctive information sets, made by method for highlight choice and SVMs prepared
with diverse parameters; the outcomes are looked at and reported.



How to Cite

Dr. A. A. Dandawate, & Miss. P. R. Mule. (2019). Lung Disease Detection By Using CNN Algorithm. International Journal of Advance Research in Engineering, Science & Technology, 6(12), 28–35. Retrieved from