Zigbee Controlled Metal Detecting Robot To Assist Bomb Detection and Rescue Team.


  • Shaikh Ajam M Department of Computer Engineering, Indira College Of Engineering And Management Pune, Maharashtra, India
  • Sagar Darekar S Department of Computer Engineering, Indira College Of Engineering And Management Pune, Maharashtra, India
  • Mohammed Gaus Q Department of Computer Engineering, Indira College Of Engineering And Management Pune, Maharashtra, India
  • Prof. Shuchi Gupta Department of Computer Engineering, Indira College Of Engineering And Management Pune, Maharashtra, India


Microcode Applications Direct Data Manipulation, Micro Program Design Aids, Control Structure Performance Analysis and Design Aids Automatic Synthesis, Control Structures and Microprogramming, Control Design Styles Hardwired Control.


In any Bomb rescue operation, time factor plays a vital role. As Bomb can explore at any moment, our task is to reduce
the time consuming to detect the Bomb when compared to manual detection. Detecting Bomb manually is highly risky and much time
consuming process. In this paper we propose a new technique using “Quad copter” nothing but UA V (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle). It
is an air vehicle which has multiple rotors (in our paper it is 4) and is controlled by the RC transmitter (joysticks). An attempt has
been made to detect the bomb by using Geiger counter module. Geiger module can detect any type of radioactive radiation emitted
from the Bomb. Bomb location information is sent to the user by making use of GPS and GSM modules. We integrated Geiger
module, GPS module, GSM module, Adriano-UNO as a payload to the quad copter. We need to pass the quad copter on the area in
which the operator wants to examine and if any Bomb is present, then Geiger tube detects it Then immediately Bomb location is sent
to the operator's mobile by GPS and GSM modules. The main objective of this paper is to ensure the safety of the operator and to
reduce the detection process time when compared to manual detection.



How to Cite

Shaikh Ajam M, Sagar Darekar S, Mohammed Gaus Q, & Prof. Shuchi Gupta. (2017). Zigbee Controlled Metal Detecting Robot To Assist Bomb Detection and Rescue Team. International Journal of Advance Research in Engineering, Science & Technology, 4(4), 1013–1017. Retrieved from https://ijarest.org/index.php/ijarest/article/view/1379